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Local contacts from Belgium

Belgium is a huge place and if you had to find your ideal dating love match all by yourself, you might as well give up and go home. To make things easier on you we’ve put together a regional listing of all our online dating personal ads interested in chatting, dating and finding their long term romantic partner. We’ve got the whole of the Belgium covered for your dating needs.

You don’t have to reach into your wallet to meet our Belgium dating contacts! Once you are a member you can use our site features like forums, messaging and blogs to find out more about our lovely online personal singles seeking love. If you live in one city but frequently travel to another country for work and to your favourite holiday destination for pleasure, then you can arrange casual or intimate dates with the local contacts listed in our member database. So stop wasting time, money and effort searching for that elusive date and give our free internet dating service a go, you might just meet the love of your life.

Feast your eyes on our online gallery featuring real photos and videos of internet dating members.

Recent contacts

Stefan60 (61) Straight Male
I love reading, I love going to fishing is something I love to do when am at home, I respect everyone same way I want them to rest me too because respect is reciprocal, I don't jok..
Belgium, West-Vlaanderen, Canada
CrewLife (35) Bisexual Female
I love to travel and read books so take me to a library in Paris
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels
Sophie (53) Straight Female
La pratique de la musique, les amis, les rigolades
Belgium, Hainaut, Gozée
George (26) Straight Male
Pets, mornings,sport, normal stuff, read sometimes
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Bruxelles
Keith (43) Gay Male
I'm 43 years old, living in the Canada region. I'm interested in meeting a man aged between 50 and 99.
Belgium, West-Vlaanderen, Canada
Michaelsandberg (54) Straight Male
I'm 54 years old, living in the Brussels region. I'm interested in meeting a man aged between 50 and 90.
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels
sunnysally (49) Straight Female
I’m passionate about theatre, cinema and good books. I can walk all day in nature (or a beautiful city). I love good food and appreciate wine but not to excess. I love dogs. Kind, ..
Belgium, Oost-Vlaanderen, Ghent
Immortal722 (30) Straight Male
Hi there! I'm an adventurous soul with a passion for exploring new places and trying new things. When I'm not planning my next trip, I love reading, listening to music, and spendin..
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Bosvoorde
T Ruban
T Ruban (38) Straight Male
Seeking Loveable , kindness girl as I urger to express my love
Belgium, Antwerpen, Antwerpen
Rohaan (21) Straight Male
I really like meeting new people. I wanna explore different cultures
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels
See (31) Straight Female
Whatsoever yoh would like to know ask:) I'm not good with writing out summaries
Belgium, Uccle
Lunasol (53) Straight Female
To love and to be loved would be very nice but it takes time. Let’s first see if we can share interests. I’m looking for a kind, independent and optimistic guy, up for visiting exh..
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Ixelles
Sunshine (43) Straight Female
I am rather shy but once I am comfortable with someone, I will open up and will be able to talk about everything and nothing. But I am also a good listener. I like to discover new ..
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels
Martinovic (45) Straight Male
Calm, easy going, relaxing. Folk music, basketball, history
Belgium, Antwerpen, Antwerpen
Marius (33) Straight Male
A good view . And o good person of course , smart talking
Belgium, West-Vlaanderen, Bruges
Easysoul13 (41) Straight Female
I hate lies and dishonest people, I like having fun with the love of my life and always make sure he’s happy.
Belgium, West-Vlaanderen, Canada
S P E E D Y (20) Straight Male
20j oud Student grafische digitale media Geniet van videografie tijdens werkuren en gamen daarnaast. Naast de werkuren stream ik ook op twitch.
Belgium, Antwerpen, Antwerpen
EtherealMusicianhhbahc (26) Straight Male
I am black African and so hand some and also 170 cm
Belgium, Hainaut, Charleroi
Rubyjessy001 (38) Straight Female
Hello! A little about myself, I am upbeat, postive and outgoing person. I love the outdoors. Hiking, sailing, taking long drives on the weekend or getting away for the weekend. I'm..
Belgium, Londerzeel
Kenny 77
Kenny 77 (24) Straight Male
Peace love Peace love Peace love Peace love Peace
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Bruxelles
saad (27) Straight Male
Hey there, this is Saad an international student living in Gent for past 2 years and eight months. I love travelling and want to explore as many places as i can but it would be bet..
Belgium, Oost-Vlaanderen, Gent
Lonewolf07 (31) Straight Male
Going Out! Exploring random places Beaches ⛱️ ⚽
Belgium, Antwerpen, Turnhout
Marie0200 (40) Gay Female
Je recherche juste un homme sincère avec qui je finirais le reste de ma vie a ses côté !!
Belgium, Zaventem
joostie1 (65) Straight Male
een avondje uit op restaurant met een aangename en mooie vrouw en een schitterend dessert
Belgium, West-Vlaanderen, Roeselare
Jani (38) Straight Male
38 years guy from finland. See you soon and lets have fun
Belgium, West-Vlaanderen, Ichtegem

Belgium Regions

Antwerpen Brabant Wallon Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Hainaut Liege Limburg Luxembourg Namur Oost-Vlaanderen Vlaams-Brabant West-Vlaanderen

Main Cities

Leuven Antwerpen Sint-joost-ten-node Borgloon Brussels Anvers Gent Schoonaarde Brussel Doodbroek Hasselt Liège Sint-amandsberg Staden Namur Saint-josse-ten-noode Gand Louvain-la-neuve Antwerp Luik Genk Berg Turnhout Aalst Ostend Dendermonde Mons Haut-fays Sint Pieters Etterbeek Roeselare Kontich Brugge Oostende Zaventem Amercoeur Ganshoren Ronse Canada Ekeren Arlon Sint-niklaas Deurne Kortrijk Temse