5:03 pm Tuesday, 7th June, 2022
Tired of going to the movies all the time?🍿🥱
With longer days, warmer weather, the sun in the sky, cocktails and mood-boosting vitamin D on tap, move over Valentines Day! We all know that Summer is the real season of love.🌞
Here’s 24 quirky activities to consider slotting into your list of date ideas. 👇
Thought the novelty had to wear off once you grew up? Think again! It’s time to embrace the cheesiness and release your endearing goofiness within! Share cotton candy, show off at the coconut shy, let them try to win you a giant stuffed toy… and name it after them to bag yourself a kiss at the top of the ferris wheel.😘
If you haven’t already hopped on to the thrifting trend, it’s all the rage. With millions of us ditching fast fashion, what better way to get romantic and economical?!
Dare each other to find the wackiest outfits you can. Or impress each other by picking out some style or vintage staples! One person’s trash could be your treasure, after all… 🧥
Walking side-by-side as you chat can be far more comfortable on a first date than having to staring straight into the person’s eyes as they sit across from you at the dinner table!
Soak up the sun and the landscapes - and get those steps in! Share the little details that you love about your area, and encourage your date to do the same. Make it even more romantic by catching a sunrise or a sunset together. Whether it’s a hike or a light stroll, it’ll be a total win! 🌄
Whether we love or hate sports, it can’t be denied that supporting local teams is an incredible way to bring people together! Catch the rays in an outdoor stadium - and there won’t be any awkward silences when you’re cheering as your home team scores, or commiserating as you chat over all the game details afterwards. ⚾
Ocean, lake, river - any place beside the water will do! A day out on the sand is always a calming date spot when the weather's in your favour. Sunbathe, go for a paddle, see who can build the coolest sandcastle, why not add a picnic! And as the day draws to a close, take a romantic stroll as the sun sets in the horizon. Just don’t forget your sunscreen!
It’s a race - and a messy one at that! Who eats theirs first before they melt? Who tries the quirkiest flavour? Will you even share? Give your date a taste of your favourite flavour for added brownie points, and if you’re feeling cheeky, dab the tip of their nose with the sweet stuff! *Awww*, you guys are soooo cute! 🥰
Finally, it’s festival season! If you’re both into your music, share the joy of the live stuff outdoors. Go to watch and support local bands if that’s available at short notice, or head to a global artist if they’re stopping by your hometown. Good music, good vibes… great date!
Ahhh - the wild outdoors, the best place to unplug and reconnect with nature - quality chill time at its best! We’d always say to save this for after the first date so you’re comfortable enough in their company for the whole day / night. Bring a BBQ and cook up a storm, marshmallows are crucial - then cuddle up in your sleeping bags as the night draws in. Just watch out for the bears! 🐻
There’s bound to be some colourful displays in your area over the summer period, with warm night skies to really enjoy the moment! Come on, nothing says explosive romance like admiring sparkles in the sky together. ✨
Strawberries and blueberries are ripe for the picking during the summer months, and many farms let you pick them juicy off the vine for a pretty reasonable price (orrrrrrrr for free… we saw nothin’!🙈).
Head into the shade with your ingredients and get baking or creating a yummy dessert! Bake the sweetest apple pie together with your foraged goodies, or maybe add them to ice cream for a cooler snack!
If you’re feeling super cute, spoon-feed your shared creation to your date to make for the perfect end to a perfect day.🥧
No specific destination is needed… It’s all about the journey! 😉
But really, just relax and see where the day takes you. Bikes give you the freedom to travel freely, pump some iron, take in the scenic views and tell stories of your life as you ride through the glorious landscapes. An ideal date if neither of you can decide on a venue!🌇
Chequered knee-length shorts? Optional. Inner competitiveness? Essential!✔️
The low-stakes game allows for some lighthearted fun in the sun at a pace where you can chat and play without any interruption from the pro’s! Loser buys the first round of drinks?🍻
Who doesn’t love watching the birds as you walk along the river edge? Many people are instantly more attracted to animal lovers, so get your best David Attenborough impression perfected! Most nature trails also provide lots of natural shading - a refreshing way to spend a day that may be a little too hot! 🌲
Ahhh, how Pride & Prejudice of us. Reader, will you take this rose?🌹
Bring a fairytale romance to life by spending a day at the stables and riding trail horses for the afternoon. You gotta admit, everyone looks pretty impressive on horseback.
You don’t need to commit to camping to enjoy some of the best bits! Don’t you just love the smoky smell of your hair after a warm evening under the stars around the campfire? Bring extra blankets to snuggle under as the day fades with the sunset, and don’t forget to include s’mores on the menu, otherwise there may not be a second date (and we wouldn’t blame them!).
There’s no doubt that ice cold drinks taste better outside with a beautiful view. A roof is somehow intrinsically romantic: from the sweeping panorama of a lit-up city right before your eyes, to the summer breeze sifting through your hair as you sip your mojito, it’ll create a moment of intimacy to remember.🥂
Look at you, being all sustainable and healthy buying local produce! Why not pick something up for dinner together and continue this date into the evening? 🥘
Make sure to get there bright and early before all the best stuff is cleared out. Happy shopping! 🌽🥕🍅
Who needs an expensive restaurant dinner? Dating doesn’t have to break the bank. Keep it simple with a stroll through the sunny park followed by a picnic lunch on the grass.
Eat in delight as you watch passers-by go about their day.
Keep cool as you bond over some water-based activities - paddle boarding, kayaking, maybe even just bobbing around in a blow-up as you get to know each other!
The bonus? Beach hair is super hot. Just don’t let the waves wipe you out! 🌊
Just you, your date, and the winding road…Again, if you can’t decide on a particular venue for your date, this gives you the freedom to chase the sun and go wherever you both please.Windows down, stereo up! Who knows, the next song you belt out together could be the one you share forever. 🎶
Put on your workout clothes (ok fine… activewear) and meet in a relaxing spot like the park for some fresh air and relaxation together. Partner yoga positions are a hilarious way to break the ice and really get to know each other more intimately! 😉
What constellations can you find? We can’t think of a reason not to make the most of the warmer nights. Don’t forget a comfy blanket and your favourite snacks! You could even show off your best tunes with a chilled playlist to create an even more magical night, and if you see a shooting star, we hope you’re wishing for a second date.✨
It's always helpful to set the scene for a hot date with a beautiful backdrop, and since social media has become a big part of life these days, put your photography skills to the test as you snap the beauty of nature and share it online. And in case you didn’t already know, everyone’s skin simply glows in the sunset light. 🙌
Get your coffee fix al fresco style, as you learn all about eachother with the sun as the only wished-for third wheel we can think of!
Now all you need is a cute date outfit and pair of shades and you’ll be good to go! 😎💕
So, what’s on your summer date bucket list this year? Will you be adding any of these to your list? Let us know in the comments! 👇