Be Sure To Score That Second Date

4:10 pm Tuesday, 23rd August, 2022

In the midst of all the swiping, texting, days spent chatting, and that final bound up ball of apprehension once the day finally arrives, there can be little time to consider what may come next once you’ve said your goodbyes at the end of your first date. 😨

Let us tell you: you’re certainly not alone in experiencing those butterflies-in-your-tummy nerves 🦋 as you give yourself one last check in the mirror before leaving the house. (You look great, by the way 👌).

Pre-date nerves are completely natural, so don’t sweat it! But there’s no harm in having a little head-start to boost your confidence. It’s time to put your first-date foot forward with our do’s and don’ts to securing that all-important second date. 👇

✅ Be prepared 📝

Ever heard that saying, ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’? It applies here. If you’re serious about nabbing that desirable date number 2, don’t turn up to the first without undertaking a little groundwork. 🔎

That’s not to say study everything about them like you’re revising for an exam. Avoid overstepping the line by learning their home address, or stalking their socials from years ago (bringing up their 2014 trip to New York City that they’ve never mentioned to you? Obsessive alert! 👀). Simply scan back on texts you’ve exchanged with your date and pick out a few key talking points in person.

Doing this will not only help you avoid repeating the same questions, but have you appearing courteously attentive to what they’ve already told you. And if a date feels as though you’re intrigued by their life? They’ll be more willing to spend more time opening up to you. 💕

❌ Don’t be glued to your phone 📵

If you successfully want to navigate from first date to second, you’ve got to be present in the moment.

Easier said than done these days, right? Our phones are like our safety blankets! As tempting as it can be, even if you’re just whipping it out to fill the void of an awkward silence… don’t! 🙅

Using your phone will make you appear uninterested, oblivious, and, well... rude. Beware of falling into this trap, because bad manners will have you kissing goodbye to date number two - period. Remember you’re here to be doing all you can to make your date feel as though they’ve got your ✨undivided✨ attention.

✅ Arrive on time ⏰

This one may sound as obvious as the nose on your face, but it’s vital to be punctual. Get there early, in fact, and reward yourself with some extra minutes to chill before their arrival. Not only do you not want to be arriving in a fluster from rushing to get there (red cheeks, a sweaty forehead, and clammy hands doesn’t look good on anyone), you want to let them know that you respect their time. Remember that common courtesy goes a looooong way with first impressions. A date won’t likely want to sit and wait for you a second time around. 🥱

That said, life happens, right? Sometimes lateness is unavoidable, so if you are on the last minute for whatever reason, drop them a quick, apologetic text to let them know right away. You can make it up to them with your quick wit and irresistible charm once you get there. 🥰

❌ Don’t share too much, too soon 🤫

Ahhhh, a classic first date blunder made by many of us from the moment we sit down.

While you can absolutely reveal personal things about yourself, avoid discussing last week’s doctor’s appointment, or the fact that your ex has just started seeing someone else. Sharing the right parts of your personality will encourage trust from your date and make them feel special (‘wow, they’re really opening up to me!’). What’s more, finding common ground and mutual interests early on can save you time and heartache later if you find you’re not on the same wavelength. 👋

Find the balance! Sharing little snippets of yourself mixed with a hint of intrigue ought to lead to date number two, (and three, and four, and…), so keep them on their toes as you ooze in a sultry air of mystery!

✅ Keep the conversation two-sided 🫂

The first rule of polite conversation is to initiate balanced back-and-forth discussion. ⚖️

Avoid prattling on about yourself for hours on end, or your date will be falling asleep in their dessert by the time you get on to your cousin’s neighbor’s step-brother’s friend’s recent break-up. And believe us, if there’s any eye-rolling by the end of your first engagement, you’ll find it a struggle to see them for a second time.

Stuck for conversation prompts? Don’t worry! We’ve all been there, and it’s an easy fix: just ask lot’s of questions.

Quick tip 💡: we don’t just mean ‘so… Do you like cheese?’ 🥴 Go in deeeeeeeeep!

If you really want to get to know someone better, find out what they love. Ask about their interests, what their childhood was like, what they’re most passionate about, how they like spending their time, or what they enjoy most about their career… You’ll find that a person will never run out of things to say about their favourite things, and since they’ll appreciate your interest, this is safe conversation territory to find yourself in.

We all love a good listener, so with this approach, you best listen out for them asking you out on a second date…💗

❌ Don’t come on too strong 😳

Remember that air of mystery we discussed earlier? Keep that up. 👏

While none of us want to waste our time with someone who doesn’t have the same intentions as us, avoid jumping straight in with questions like 'where do you see this relationship going?', or 'are you looking for something serious?’.

Even if you’re really vibing with someone, overstepping the mark into this serious conversation territory may have them running for the nearest exit - so don’t take the risk. Get to know someone before you broach these topics! 👎

And this continues after the fact, as well, daters. While consistent texting following your first meet-up is a nice touch to let your crush know you’re keen for a second date - don’t go overboard.

Double texting while they’re at work, questioning why their replies are slow, constantly asking when you can meet up again… no! 🚩no! 🚩 no! 🚩

Even if the first date went well at the time, a second date isn’t always a guarantee, and people have the right to get cold feet at any point. Play it cool as a cucumber, and you won’t be at risk of scaring anyone off. 🥒

✅ Express your gratitude 🙏

Preparing for your first dates can be expensive: haircuts, new clothes, fresh makeup… not to mention the coffee, dinner, drinks, and tickets you purchase while you’re on it! These things add up, folks. But two things that won’t cost you a single penny? Grace and appreciation.

Show gratitude for the little things, offer to split the bill, and say thank you at the end of the evening - no matter how things turn out. You might not win a second date for being polite alone, but it’ll certainly get you ahead in the race for round two. ✌️

❌ Don’t get caught up by the outcome 💭

Listen to this golden nugget of advice: don’t try too hard to get a second date, and the second date will come to you! Just relax, enjoy the moment, and be yourself. What’s the worst that can happen? They politely decline your offer to go out with them again? Boohoo 😢 - on to the next! 👉

If you go in with a positive attitude regardless of the end result, you’ll naturally exude in confidence, charisma, and calmness - all shining qualities that’ll impress your date. And if things don’t work out, having this outlook will help you to just shake it off! 😎

✅ Ask for a second date whilst you’re on the first date!

If you think you’ve been winning on the first date, don't waste time securing the second!

With our tried-and-tested tips you'll be right track for handling any first date like a pro! And if the chemistry is there on date one – you’ll be equipped and ready to confidently ask that biiiiiiiig question when the time comes: “Can we do this again sometime?”. 🤞

We want to hear from you! What’s your favorite way to shine on a first date? Have you any secret tips for second meet-ups? Let us know in the comments.👇