Is it Love or Lust?

11:30 am Wednesday, 28th June, 2023

Ever felt that rush of energy when you click with a new online match? 😍 But then wondered, "Is this love or just a wild ride through Lustville?" On the dating rollercoaster, we navigate through the dizzying heights of likes, winks, messages, and hearts until we land on that special someone. Or maybe, someone(s) – who are we to judge? 👇

Understanding your feelings 🥰

In the world of online dating, where messages fly faster than Cupid’s arrows, understanding your feelings is crucial. We often mix up love and lust because, let's face it, they feel so similar, especially when you're diving into an ocean of profiles and matches...

Lust is usually characterized by an intense physical attraction. It’s that magnetic pull towards their profile photo that has you falling head over heels – literally! You find yourself lost in their blue eyes, mesmerized by that captivating smile, or perhaps it's their stellar sense of style that has you hooked. Basically, it's all about the looks, baby!

Love, on the other hand, goes beyond the surface. It’s when you find yourself just as engrossed in their bio than their perfectly angled selfies. You’re interested in their favorite books, their passion for rescuing stray dogs, or that weird obsession they have with cloudspotting. ☁️ With love, you're more eager to connect on an emotional level, rather than purely physical.

Decoding your feelings 🧩

So how do you decode these feelings and figure out if you’re in love or just experiencing lust? Here’s a little secret: pay attention to what occupies your thoughts when you're daydreaming about your online crush... 😴

If you find yourself fantasizing more about your potential steamy encounters, or how they’d look under the romantic flicker of candlelight, then lust is likely steering the ship. It's thrilling and fun, and absolutely normal! After all, physical attraction is an essential part of any relationship. 🔥

But, if your mind wanders to imagining Sunday brunch together, discussing the latest thriller you both read, or comforting them after a bad day at work, congratulations! You're boarding the love boat. 🚣 It's more about wanting to know them, understand them, and be a part of their lives. 🥰

Communicating your feelings 💘

Knowing your feelings is one thing, but expressing them? Now that's a whole other art form. Let’s take a look into how to communicate your feelings in the digital dating universe.💬

If you're in the lust zone, be open about it. Flirt, use those cute emojis, and keep the conversation light and fun. Just remember to be respectful and considerate of the other person's feelings. After all, honesty is sexy, right? 😉

If it's love that's knocking on your door, don't be afraid to show vulnerability. Share your passions, your dreams, or even your fears. Ask about theirs, too! And if you're feeling brave, let them know that you're genuinely interested in forming a deeper connection. ⚡ It may feel a little scary, but remember, true love often requires a little bit of risk! 😊

How do you differentiate between love and lust in the digital dating world? And how do you communicate these feelings to your online match? Share your strategies, experiences, or even your hilarious dating fails - we're all ears! Let's chat in the comments! 👇