Our Biggest Dating Turn-Offs

9:38 am Wednesday, 9th August, 2023

We all know that online dating comes packed with quirks, curiosities – and sometimes, the unexpected "ick." Maybe it's a profile picture that's a decade too old, or a dinner date story that makes you wish for an emergency exit. 🙅

It’s cathartic to laugh together at our troubles, and know that we’re not alone! Here are some of our biggest dating turn-offs. 👇

Profile misadventures 😬

Online dating always starts with a ‘like’. But a mismatched profile picture or overly dramatic bio can send those warning bells ringing early! That photo with the pet tiger might look cool, but what does it say about a potential partner's idea of a casual Saturday night? Remember, folks, honesty and simplicity are the new black! 🙏

First impressions count 😉

You've made a match, and now it's time to take the plunge into real conversation. But some of those clichéd chat-up lines are just too much. We just want someone to open up with something warm, witty, and genuinely curious – is that too much to ask? 😭

Online etiquette: The good, the bad, and the ghostly 👻

The online dating world thrives on communication. But replying too slow, or worse – the infamous ghosting – can make those exciting beginnings fizzle out. Keep the conversation balanced and respectful, and don't be afraid to define your boundaries if things are moving too fast, or too slow. 🖐️

Overzealous date planning 🥳

That first date is looming, and you're keen to make it perfect. But remember, perfection often lies in simplicity. Suggesting a weekend getaway before you've even met over coffee might not be everyone's cup of tea. Keep it light and keep it fun – the joy of meeting someone new doesn't require a five-course meal at a Michelin-star restaurant!

The art of conversation 🎨

Meeting your match face to face? The talk can make or break the date. Too much self-talk can be a bore, while interrogation on personal issues might be too intense. Keep the conversation flowing naturally, maintain that back-and-forth, and don't be afraid to show a little vulnerability. Finding common ground builds the most beautiful bridges.

Have you ever made a match that surprised you? Or found yourself unexpectedly turned off during a date? The world of online dating is brimming with lessons, laughter, and love, so don't be shy – share your best or worst dating story with the rest of us in the comments. 👇