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I am Hala Mohammad from Syria, my husband die reason I am here new. Every human being is born with some positives and negatives. It’s part of individual personality. However the most important thing is whether person has humanity and kindness, respect tow hala55 (46) Straight Female Gentle and good looking, Respected well to do. caring and loving Gambia, Upper River, Basse |
I am willing to build a strong and sweet relationship with anyone that wishes to be in a relationship with me DazzlingProfessorbbfebe (34) Straight Male I hope hope to meet new friends all over the world Gambia, Upper River, Basse |
I like making friends and play football, volleyball and watching movies Musa (23) Straight Male Friendly and nice person. Am here to make friends all over the world Gambia, Upper River, Basse |
Abou (49) Straight Male Gambia, Upper River, Basse |