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Ако веќе не светиш , барем не мрачи. jasnaqueen500 (48) Straight Female Слободна личност, позитивна, секогаш отворена за разговор Macedonia, Bitola, Bitola |
Baki (30) Straight Female well, I'm not so good at describing myself but I'll give you my best :) I study and work simultaneously, and I love to spend my free time with good book or good company with relax.. Macedonia, Veles, Veles |
I wanna meet someone Lina666 (36) Straight Female What's up? I am nice, smart, intelligent girl who has a really bad luck while trying to find the right one. Anyway I hope I get to meet some great people and who knows maybe the r.. Macedonia, Karpos, Skopje |
if u wanna fun click here babe!!! hotbabe4eva2 (39) Straight Female im easy outgoing person i love fun watching mtv football michael owen....... Macedonia, Karpos, Skopje |
I luv UK lads! posh4eva (39) Straight Female hey i am really friendly, outgoing person who loves fun, football, MTV and offcourse sexy baby-faced guys! Macedonia, Karpos, Skopje |
I love....cute and handsome guys adelababe (40) Straight Female I am funny, interesting and outgoing persons...I love listening to music and watching MTV...playing volleyball and so on and on... Macedonia, Karpos, Skopje |