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Hello!nice to meet you here,im new.. Felisci433 (53) Straight Female Hello,im trying new things thats why im here,im a nice person simple romantic and down to earth .. Philippines, Tagbilaran, Tagbilaran |
Skills and Expertise: Proficient in architectural design. InterestsHobbi es: Finds solace in creating art and immersing in music. Values: Embraces the importance of authenticity and kindness towards others. Reyvanz (24) Gay Male In my downtime, you'll find me immersed in art and vibing to music, my go-to sources of inspiration Philippines, Tagbilaran, Tagbilaran |
Lara (43) Straight Female im a very simple person who loves to chitchat.. aw.. of course good topics. i like to cook filipino dishes and if you are interested to know and to taste the food that i cooked. it.. Philippines, Tagbilaran, Tagbilaran |
Whatever you are, be a good one. jemai (37) Straight Female Hi! I am Jem Bantilan from Philippines, 27 year old single. I am quite and simple and I like travel abroad. Philippines, Tagbilaran, Tagbilaran |
Nujram (34) Straight Male Philippines, Tagbilaran, Tagbilaran |
Enzo (35) Straight Male Philippines, Tagbilaran, Tagbilaran |