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Nice one here and i will be happy to meet my soulmate here lindar211 (27) Straight Female i am nice looking and good heart to meet my soulmate here, Slovakia, Kosice, Humenné |
Mám rád humor dôveru úprimnosť a samozrejme veľmi rád ti to urobím aj zadoček ďalšie veci spoločne HM? Xxxx (45) Straight Male Mám rád masáž prostaty chcem aby si mi to urobila milujem zrelé ženy a transky s krásnými dlhými vlasmi a otvorene si pokecať pri sexe a rád používám aj hračky pre oboch a hlavne g.. Slovakia, Kosice, Michalovce |
Who is beautiful is beautiful in morning too Mayro88 (37) Straight Male I am professional singer artist. Looking for long term relationship, marriage, plan family and own child. Slovakia, Kosice, Streda Nad Bodrogom |
Lovely boy Jimmy1988 (37) Straight Male Calm and cool. Caring and hardworking person. Believe in myself Slovakia, Kosice, Slovenské Nové Mesto |
I love hamburgers for breakfast, lunch and dinners :D I hope I find my soulmate with who I can share my grill ;) ncore (33) Straight Male I eat mostly beef. Once twice a week I have a pork meal. Sometimes chicken. I think I'm more on Lion's diet. I don't eat eggs and other animal based products. Not even milk :D What.. Slovakia, Kosice, Kosice |
Som optimistický muž,atletickej postavy a hladám dobre vyzerajúcu ženu. peterrus385 (57) Straight Male Viem byt dobrosrdečný,počúvam iné názory a viem sa prispôsobit,ak mi ten druhý vyhovuje. Slovakia, Kosice, Staré |