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Dealing with Rejection in Online Dating

So, you've put yourself out there online, and it’s not gone the way you planned. It's not a fun feeling, but it's also not the end of the world! This is just one step on the online dating ladder, so here are some tips to help you handle it like a boss.

Don't Take It Personally 😈

First and foremost, remember that rejection is not a reflection of your worth as a person. It's easy to get caught up in the idea that if someone doesn't want to date you, it means you're not good enough. But that's just not true! People have their own preferences and reasons for swiping left or not responding to your message.

Keep Swiping! 👍

One rejection doesn't mean you're out of the game. In fact, it's just a sign to keep going. There are plenty of fish in the sea (or profiles on the app!), so don't get discouraged. The more you put yourself out there, the higher your chances of finding a match.

Reframe Your Thinking 🤗

Instead of viewing rejection as a negative thing, try to see it as a positive. Every "no" is one step closer to a "yes." It's all about perspective! And hey, if someone isn't interested in you, that means you're one step closer to finding someone who is.

Don't Fixate on One Person 😊

If you've been rejected by someone you were really interested in, it's easy to get stuck on that one person. However, it's important to remember that there are many other potential matches out there. Don't let one rejection stop you from exploring other profiles and connecting with new people.

Be Open to Different Types of Connections 🐱

Rejection in online dating can also come in the form of not getting as many matches or responses as you'd hoped for. Instead of fixating on finding a romantic partner, be open to making new friends or casual connections. You never know where those relationships might lead, and they can provide great support during the ups and downs of the dating game.

Keep Your Head Up 💪

Remember that online dating is a process, and it takes time and effort to find the right match. Don't let rejection get you down or discourage you from putting yourself out there. Stay positive, keep swiping, and trust that you'll eventually find someone who is a great fit for you.

How do you usually handle rejection in online dating? Let us know in the comments! 😉


Totally agree 👍

Let’s do it.
