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pI keep nature at heart, Whether it’s a beach day, camping under the stars, or simply a walk in the park, I cherish the great outdoors. What’s your favorite way to connect with naturep

pI am a woman who exudes both cuteness and sensuality, embodying a unique blend of maturity and confidence. Despite the challenges of leaving my home country, I strive to make the most out of life's experiences. With determination and education, I have successfully built a new life in a new land. However, I firmly believe that this journey is far from over, and if I meet my soulmate, I am open to the possibility of relocating for love.p

divNot sure what this means.divpGood start I am alive.ppDoctor said heart is in pristine condition. Plus little thing they clip on your finger registered last month 3 readings of  100% performance.ppLauriebrppbrppbrppbrppbrppbrp

pFor me, showing genuine interest in mine and the other person's life is the common denominator of green lights when I meet someone. Such depth engagement would include everything else: Eye contact. Being polite to serving stuff. It all begins with caring about your person and their enviroenvironment! You cannot know that you have a lot in common until you have had opportunities to experience the person. More often than not, most people just tick off interests that certainly apply to their ttrue identity. Therefore, I will show that interest in my prospective in order to guage how our interests match. It's a journey - not a decisdecision. p

pBeen grateful for any breakdown , it’s mean your mission in life is getting clearer and peace is within you p

pHello I am new on hereppand new to online dating ppPlease give me your tips on how to find someone compatible p

pAnyone interested in genuinely meeting in the Real world to see if friendship leads to any spark? p


Message me 😘

by stevefriend45 at 11:13 am Wednesday, 17th July, 2024


Message me 😘

by Philip at 8:53 am Wednesday, 17th July, 2024


I’m available now 👋

by Philip at 8:53 am Wednesday, 17th July, 2024

Golfer Glyn

Would love to meet up with you but unfortunately I live in Channel Islands so would have to catch a plane - so when were you thinking of meeting?

by Golfer Glyn at 8:45 am Wednesday, 17th July, 2024

food well enough of this its brightened up heading to cleethorpes sea front for fish and chips sat in the peir gardens,will need my ww2 tin helmet on dam seguls there flying bandits ha ha !

distance so many women so far away, think theirs enough idiots on the roads without me on the motorways 😱

profile i know its empty will make an effort ! i am real here in grimsby just an ordinary normal guy ? well it did say that on my papers when they relesed me from the asylum !!! got a bit of a twitch though dam shock therepy !!! 😨

brain this weather is making my brain wander,could you imagin if it rained upwards ! would fill your brolly up ? think about that one ! hell all that soggy underware !!

weather rain rain rain im getting webbed feet, its enough to drive you quackers !!! got quite a good waddle too 🙂

looking for my soulmate honest sincere and caring read for love i have signal messanger and tellegm you can find me there now signal num is 2 1 7 8 9 6 7 8 0 9 and telegm username is (come1938)

Who is the luckiest man here? If you are i will be very happy if you reach me on judithmike92 att geemale ddot ccom wish to hear from you there hunxx so that we know more about each other more better and see were our emotional desire is going to lead us to hunxx...😍👅😘

Sad days for America I joined this site after contemplating the possibility of love. But I didnt join to be spammed with political garbage. A broken heart avoided

They can try the stolen documents case again hopefully with a competent judge. They need to expedite the case as it MUST be prior to the election...

Ignore button Yes that button actually works not much else seems to amongst the fre#ky sca#mers Algorithms algorithms algorithms

Social media said it was a set-up Could it be? Cases are being dismissed. Vote or else America will change as we know it.

Say goodbye to Democracy as Judge Cannon tosses the stolen classified documents case. I suspect the 34 felony charges will be reversed too.

Look out for the chemistry Before you set out to find your dream partner you need to first understand who you are. Know yourself and what is fundamentally important to you in a partner as opposed to a list of superficial would likes in a person. Work out a list of core criteria once you know those are in place you just need to look out for the chemistry.

Ages Would all 20, 30, 40 year olds please stop favouriting, winking, viewing or wishing to meet me, as Im not interested in such youthful members.

Who is the luckiest man hyere Hello handsome good looking men actually I'm looking for a handsome good looking man to have a long term relationship and see where our emotional desire is going to lead us to.....hunxxx ♥♥ and i will be very happy if we can communicate more on judithmike92 att geemaler ddot ccom wish to hear from you hunxxxxx♥♥

Who is the luckiest man hyere Hello handsome good looking men actually I'm looking for a handsome good looking man to have a long term relationship and see where our emotional desire is going to lead us to.....hunxxx ♥♥ and i will be very happy if we can communicate more on judithmike92 att geemaler ddot ccom wish to hear from you hunxxxxx♥♥

Who is the luckiest man hyere Hello handsome good looking men actually I'm looking for a handsome good looking man to have a long term relationship and see where our emotional desire is going to lead us to.....hunxxx ♥♥ and i will be very happy if we can communicate more on judithmike92 att geemaler ddot ccom wish to hear from you hunxxxxx♥♥

Who is the luckiest man hyere Hello handsome good looking men actually I'm looking for a handsome good looking man to have a long term relationship and see where our emotional desire is going to lead us to.....hunxxx ♥♥ and i will be very happy if we can communicate more on judithmike92 att geemaler ddot ccom wish to hear from you hunxxxxx♥♥

Right You who run this site you do not make it easy you keep putting other sites I DO NOT want to join another site Also you keep turning my profile off there is nothing wrong with my internet so I cant communicate with others also there is no means for communication to you

The Strand and Mansion House Please lol lol no more messages from these areas .... they are obviously site generated and not fun, serious messages from local ladies only please.

Thought Id seen it all Posted a while back about a guy whose profile picture was Hitler!! And thought that was bad enough woke up this morning to a profile picture in the Diary section of a man pruning a bush (no pun intended 🥴) completely NAKED ..!!!!!! Everything on show full frontal ! a now Im no prude but there are specialist sites for that kind of thing not on a mainstream dating site. How do these pictures get through ??

Re Just Mature Singles I asked to be transferred since the site now has all ages, but guess what you can't transfer and I imagine there will be the same scammers as on this site,

pHi 👋 everyone I hope you’re all good and it’s nice to be on this site Well I’m new here and I hope I can surely meet my perfect matchp

9mm to the ear. Sad event today at a Trump rally I don't condone what happened. But, I am surprised it wasn't sooner.

Chat Project 2025 DT says he knows nothing. It's the same lies as when he says, I don't know him, I never met her, but there he is in a photo up with these people. How long do you think his nose should be?

Good Thank goodness that 648 messages are hidden by my filter its bad enough coping with the scammers that get through

cat and mouse game I went to work in the morning and while I was going I saw a big mouse chasing a cat and attacking it while it was running away from it

Trump spoke at a Heritage Foundation conference it's online. Search: TikTok bidenhq the young man explains everything

Steve Glasto men with their tongue out In a certain way in pics IS gross but to call me fat block me is just childish

Looking for a serious relationship with humble honest man who is also responsible to settle down Love respect Honest humble

The Heritage Foundations Project 2025 director is declaring that the 2024 election will not be legitimate. How so??

RUST: Alec Baldwin's case was dismissed... because the state had concealed evidence in their investigation.

?Fake site? Someone said this is a fake site, there are a huge number of scammers on this site, and support gives out excuses.

Rainbows and unicorns Spent some time in Dun Laoghaire today for the first time in ages. I walked the pier then sat and watched two elderly gentlemen argue about feeding some of their chips to the birds. It was lovely to hear and made me smile that friendship is not always rainbows and unicorns.

Ideal date A perfect date isn't about where, it's about the person you're on date with. Once there's mutual feelings everything will fall into place.

Being Blocked. Not that Im objecting to the availability of said procedure, but It would be nice to know why Ive been blocked especially when I havent made any contact whatsoever with the person in question, not even a viewing.

Hpy, 17 Dems came forward to say Joe shouldn't run Dilemma: no one in the party is strong enough to take the lead.

CNN review found at least 140 people who worked with Trump are involved with project2025 and he knows nothing?

Hpy, other than retribution, Trump doesn't have a plan A friend asked: what would happen if he didn't follow project2025?

Ladies, can you believe Cher's flared pants at 70 percent off makes her look 'bootyfull' ?? Such a deal !!

Its live its now The way I look at it is that if u are serious about finding some one compatible and using this site you wouldnt mind paying the 16 quid to come on this site and use its functions properly So no matter how beautiful the picture on your profile looks and after reading ur profile asking for strangers numbers isnt the my cup of tea thank you So prove me otherwise

Fake site So many fake profiles on this site ..same picture different age different locations .some I've contacted want to know what I look like!!!!!. You added me as a favorite then want a picture.then when they send me a picture they look nothing like the profile picture And live on the other side of the world....,.

Democrats calling for Joe Biden to step down... Unless you have someone to step up, I suggest you STFU.