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divNot sure what this means.divpGood start I am alive.ppDoctor said heart is in pristine condition. Plus little thing they clip on your finger registered last month 3 readings of  100% performance.ppLauriebrppbrppbrppbrppbrppbrp

food well enough of this its brightened up heading to cleethorpes sea front for fish and chips sat in the peir gardens,will need my ww2 tin helmet on dam seguls there flying bandits ha ha !

distance so many women so far away, think theirs enough idiots on the roads without me on the motorways 😱

profile i know its empty will make an effort ! i am real here in grimsby just an ordinary normal guy ? well it did say that on my papers when they relesed me from the asylum !!! got a bit of a twitch though dam shock therepy !!! 😨

brain this weather is making my brain wander,could you imagin if it rained upwards ! would fill your brolly up ? think about that one ! hell all that soggy underware !!

weather rain rain rain im getting webbed feet, its enough to drive you quackers !!! got quite a good waddle too 🙂

They can try the stolen documents case again hopefully with a competent judge. They need to expedite the case as it MUST be prior to the election...

Ignore button Yes that button actually works not much else seems to amongst the fre#ky sca#mers Algorithms algorithms algorithms

Say goodbye to Democracy as Judge Cannon tosses the stolen classified documents case. I suspect the 34 felony charges will be reversed too.

Look out for the chemistry Before you set out to find your dream partner you need to first understand who you are. Know yourself and what is fundamentally important to you in a partner as opposed to a list of superficial would likes in a person. Work out a list of core criteria once you know those are in place you just need to look out for the chemistry.

Ages Would all 20, 30, 40 year olds please stop favouriting, winking, viewing or wishing to meet me, as Im not interested in such youthful members.

The Strand and Mansion House Please lol lol no more messages from these areas .... they are obviously site generated and not fun, serious messages from local ladies only please.

9mm to the ear. Sad event today at a Trump rally I don't condone what happened. But, I am surprised it wasn't sooner.

Good Thank goodness that 648 messages are hidden by my filter its bad enough coping with the scammers that get through

cat and mouse game I went to work in the morning and while I was going I saw a big mouse chasing a cat and attacking it while it was running away from it

Trump spoke at a Heritage Foundation conference it's online. Search: TikTok bidenhq the young man explains everything

The Heritage Foundations Project 2025 director is declaring that the 2024 election will not be legitimate. How so??

RUST: Alec Baldwin's case was dismissed... because the state had concealed evidence in their investigation.

Being Blocked. Not that Im objecting to the availability of said procedure, but It would be nice to know why Ive been blocked especially when I havent made any contact whatsoever with the person in question, not even a viewing.

Hpy, 17 Dems came forward to say Joe shouldn't run Dilemma: no one in the party is strong enough to take the lead.

CNN review found at least 140 people who worked with Trump are involved with project2025 and he knows nothing?

Hpy, other than retribution, Trump doesn't have a plan A friend asked: what would happen if he didn't follow project2025?

Ladies, can you believe Cher's flared pants at 70 percent off makes her look 'bootyfull' ?? Such a deal !!

Its live its now The way I look at it is that if u are serious about finding some one compatible and using this site you wouldnt mind paying the 16 quid to come on this site and use its functions properly So no matter how beautiful the picture on your profile looks and after reading ur profile asking for strangers numbers isnt the my cup of tea thank you So prove me otherwise

Fake site So many fake profiles on this site ..same picture different age different locations .some I've contacted want to know what I look like!!!!!. You added me as a favorite then want a picture.then when they send me a picture they look nothing like the profile picture And live on the other side of the world....,.

Democrats calling for Joe Biden to step down... Unless you have someone to step up, I suggest you STFU.

more leave ?? more nice ladies leave I wonder why ???? I will miss you I for some reason am still hope full that may be there is some one out there I can get up to 200 reply a day lots of same ones dif names dif days no real honest ladies lots o scams when i do find a real one in search looks like not been on site for months or left it seams you ladies have the same problem pity the site could great will keep looking and practice my typing have a good weekend THERE is some one out there for all of us BOB

Hpy, if Trump makes it to the White House his staff will be loyalists with Project 2025 in their agenda. Agree?

We are being controlled Another scammer with old scammers re appearing that Ive already reported same pics different name hi new here not a full member whats app me on 666 😵‍💫

Blind Mystic Baba Vanga's prediction about the end of times may be accurate for a woman who passed in 1996

Do I look that daft (?)... Don't answer that! I'm not a fussy git, so I never thought I'd have to sort the wheat from the chaff. But the sheer volume of scammers (Bots?) hitting on me, is starting to get on my chaffing nerves! 🙄 Honestly, when I said I wanted a bad girl this isn't what I meant! 🤣 Please let it stop...

honest ? I find it hard to accept that there is so many scammers 34 year old,s that want to get together with 72 year old 340 miles away some real stunners that would turn heads in any club or bar ,it seams that you lovely ladies have the same problem on your site all you honest lovely should find a way to get to real members who are here to meet nice members and not spend so much time deleting scamers what do get out of it cant see why do they bother only time wasters cant see many members fall for them anyway I still live in hope to find a honest lady that still wants to live a little good luck to all you lovely honest ladies and all you sad time wasters ???????????? stay happy have a good weekend BOB xx

Scammers!!!!!!! Are there any genuine lady's on this dating site?? All the women appear to be in America and are not genuine! Mmmmmm Makes you think, doesn't it??

Humor: Do you want a president who... wears a LifeAlert button or ankle monitor and a probation officer?

If a president is immune, he can order the military to hit a rival and not suffer any consequences per SCOTUS

Ancdotas de la vida " When ever you feel criticizing anyone, " He Told Me, "remember that all the people in this world havent have the advantages that youve had."

David One of the reasons I dislike this site is that it is easy to be signed in to third party sites with out realising it. Also they keep popping up as soon as I enter the site. I do not find this at all helpful. I must say it puts me off. Also there does appear to be a fair few scammers.

Second attempt! That last issue! A very diluted version of what I originally wrote! The Diary guards are definitely on the ball early. S.

(there's a lot of fake profiles on here, not sure why im here) (there's a lot of fake profiles on here, not sure why im here)

The surge in illegal immigration.. Who is financing travel for thousands daily? Suggestions: Russia and Trump Think about that...



lots of scammers lots of scammers but sure there are some nice real honest members on this site the fun is to find them hope I find some soon any clue BOB

a reflection about life " When ever you feel criticizing anyone, " He Told Me, "remember that all the people in this world havent have the advantages that youve had."

Gratitude In the words of the great and late Napoleon Hill, gratitude is the right attitude something I have been extolling since day one of my journey into positivity. I have sung this song to all and sundry for over 40 years now


Carla, I'll repeat what a friend said... Biden would get my vote even if he were brain dead. We have the same opinion.

Carla, they say one minute he's sharp... the next he's foggy and it's getting worse. Believed the WH is covering up his condition.

Tomorrow is not promised I try to live every day as its my last since we are not promissed tomorrow so lets party and have fun with no regrets

Republicans say 82 year old Mitch Mcconnell is mentally fit for America... So was Ronald Regan. Hang in there Joe, you've got a job to do!

Pop Ups! Just opened this page and there are four other sites popping up that I haven't asked for, all have been blocked by my firewall, why can't you just subscribed to the one site you want to be on?!

Hush court case and presidential immunity How could Trump be immune when the HUSH event happened PRIOR to the election?

Hopeless romantic Life is beautiful when you have a special someone around you! I need a woman 👩 to love hopefully someone to spend good quality time together!

dating Certain Welsh women complain a lot,but block genuine men,are they really looking for someone ?.

TRY AGAIN WHY NOT another 3 months more hope to find some one not to far away lots of nice ladies but 345 miles maybe a little to far to travel for a date are you nice are you honest or is that to much to ask ,will try for another 3 months we can live in hope maybe more luck this time be HAPPY BOB

Hpy, thanks! I'll check CNN on YouTube as I've got an important client meeting tomorrow and need to prepare

As a man in a relatiosnship As a man in a relationship what can I expect lol? I have a simple choice: I can be right or I can be happy.

Today the SCOTUS declared that insurrection is an official duty of a president and immune from prosecution.

Carla, yes. Any means to get their attention Good or bad, they all do the same thing. Create an alternate contact and try.

Enthusiasm means everything .. .. Not just a little. Everything. If you are involved in some kind of project right now or launching any personal endeavour, your enthusiasm (or lack of it) will directly determine how successful this undertaking will be. If you are not excited at the core of your being by it, drop it right now. If you are excited at the core of your BEing, demonstrate that in everything you think and say and do. You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today ....

any caravaners on this site i any caravaners on this site maybe time to get in touch enjoy all this lovely weather lol

I said 30 percent of the profiles here are fake... Today must be a record. I found more than 42 fakes. That's about 80 percent.

Cancellation Following all the instructions to cancel but never get anything to click on do it Anyone else having trouble cancelling

pA Quick Happy 4th to all, stay safe. Long weekend, beach and bbq. Wish to share time enjoying with others. p

Debate experts newscasters ALL think Biden should drop out Think about that. Who else wants the job? Headlines: Democrats hand the presidency to Trump! News at 11

DOingness .... If you think your life is about DOingness, you do not understand what You are about. Your soul doesn't care what you do for a living ... and when your life is over, neither will you. Your soul cares only about what you're BEing while you're doing whatever you're doing. It is a state of BEingness the soul is after, not a state of DOingness

The way I see it, Biden isn't the problem Congress is the problem. Take his attempt to fix the border and it gets blocked.

ladies give us a clue ladies give us a clue no photo no profile help us find you we try to find the right one why do you hid do you not want to be found ? lol lets have fun

pHi! Just to introduce myself, I'm Pete, 82 a widower living alone in St Austell. I Hope I'm not too old but if I am I hope you find what you're looking for. Good luck p



by Dosia at 3:39 pm Saturday, 29th June, 2024


Yes please! 👍

by janetji186 at 2:50 pm Saturday, 29th June, 2024


Wanna chat?

by ThoughtfulDreamer23a3cc at 12:51 pm Saturday, 29th June, 2024

For the record, I would have declined a golf match with Trump Everyone knows he cheats!! Ask Tiger Woods...

Biden didn't stand up to Trump's lies and call him out... After change of subject Trump rambled on avoiding the next question.


shall I renew? Shall I renew ? time up have spoken to some lovely ladies pity most to far away or out of my glass or SCAMERS they may put me off some lovely ladies that look like the have left site so maybe there are some honest ladies out do I go or do I stay now ? give me some help lets all have fun tell your friends maybe some one that can spell class lol bob

Follow Steve Bannon and Roger Stone comments It's rigged already. Expect the Supreme court decision in favor of DJT to seal the deal.

Yay Yay just discovered the filtering tab , so at least now i can block all the fakersscammers messaging me from hundreds of miles away :-)

Two important questions to ask yourself. What will make me happy? and What will make me successful? are two of the most important questions you can ask yourself.

Are you lonesome tonight? Then come, and enjoy my company I'm lonesome every night and that's awful for being in Cornwall I think I'll go down to the beach and walk my imaginary dog! Oh, mustn't forget the bag!

You'll have an opportunity this day .. to really affect someone's life for the better. Watch for it. Someone is needing something from you, and they are going to come right to you to get it. Someone ... friend or stranger, I don't know ... will cross your path in the hours ahead, looking for the most important gift you can give them: uplift for the soul. Your job: return them to themselves. Find a way to allow them to feel good about themselves again. Just a word, or a smile, can do it. You'll know what's needed at the moment.

Be aware Its impossible to cancel , the cancel tab ithey tell you about in the T and Cs is nowhere to be found !

Upon further research Upon doing more research it looks like this company are well known for making it difficult to stop monies going out of your account, I will be contacting my bank in the morning and reporting them , what they are doing is nothing short of criminal.

Thank you all you lovely ladies thank you all you lovely ladies that sent me a response all nearly 2oo of you yes 200 pity most of you did not read my profile or do you not know that Essex is not in Scotland 25 miles is not 350 miles age 66 is not 34 200 messages am I that good looking or have I won loto or scam lots of you are from strand or a the same house house why would 27 tear old want a 72 year old prop kill me please note we may be old not all daft dont waste your time no reply All you lovely ladies [and I have found some ] please please get in touch but lets keep it fun be safe and hope you find what your looking for hope I do take care BOB

Lifestyle Hi any lasses who like to fish and hunt, and like labradors please get in touch, with in 50 mile radius would be perfect.

A friend told me to read Project2025 The Republican agenda to transform America into an authoritarian government

It beggars belief It really makes me laugh when people cant even spell their own names on here, or should i say when the fakers pinch an English name and use it, i.e. Garce instead of Grace is the latest one i had today. Do you women get the same?

Are you some special? Are you ready to have some fun and read jumbled passages like this: "I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too" ... Many of us can read this after trying the first line and pick up on what is actually meant. Some can't. I suppose it's just like trying to read people. Have a nice day!

Everyday Would love to meet a beautiful woman for friendship, companionship and see where it leads to

Planet rock Dating This site is an utter rip of tried to contact them and ask why they have charged me 100 quid not one reply Im being constantly bombarded with Ai generated emails just be careful everyone make sure you read the small print like I didnt Ill be surprised if they allow this message Take care x

You are genius! Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together.

Likes Galore but .. 999 out of 1000 were all scammers from central London and other weird locations, all using fake photos. Venntro do their best to pick up on them but there are so many we have to have patience. I've been subscribing for 14 years now and only ever met two people. Is there anyone real here in Cornwall. Message me and pop around for a cuppa.

So many fake folk Jesus, went out for tea with an empty inbox came home 4 hrs later to 57 messages from fake profiles and time wasters ! Started a 3 day trial last week (trial ended on Friday so currently cant reply to people at the moment, sorry !), thinking about renewing but not sure though, some lovely genuine people have message me and it would be great to chat and connect with some of those people but every day there are some many scammers !

Day 1 day one maybe a new life awaits me who knows i have no expectations therefore no fear of disappointments . im happy by nature and will remain so whatever may Happen. that is one thing im sure off.

Hmmmm Its so disappointing to be constantly hit by Ai after Ai generated views winks and added to favourites where are all the real people

Carla, I'm getting pounded by things like that Usually it's in the header of the message. They don't read my profile.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone .. You won't find glory at the centre of safety, but at its edge. You won't find love in a place where you are covered, but in the space where you are naked. You have got to take some risks. You have to not only pick up the dice, but roll 'em. So go ahead, take the gamble. You have nothing to lose except the chance to win. Life is not long enough to spend it on the sidelines. And you will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today.

pHiya I'm Barry 55 I'm a short kinda guy small in stature big in heart single from the Hertfordshire area looking for nice decent ladyp


Are you interested darling

by Stacy at 3:32 am Monday, 24th June, 2024


I’m available now 👋

by Stacy at 3:31 am Monday, 24th June, 2024


Nice to meet you handsome, you sound sweet and amazing. I would love to get to know you.

by carola1001 at 3:23 am Monday, 24th June, 2024


You are welcome

by Mary at 2:05 am Monday, 24th June, 2024


Wanna chat?

by Alura at 1:29 am Monday, 24th June, 2024


Hey 🤗

by Newlady360 at 11:33 pm Sunday, 23rd June, 2024


Hello how are you doing

by Alex at 11:18 pm Sunday, 23rd June, 2024


Let’s do something! 😁

by GentleEmpowerer43 at 10:37 pm Sunday, 23rd June, 2024


Message me 😘

by maries196 at 10:23 pm Sunday, 23rd June, 2024


Wow 🙌

by maries196 at 10:23 pm Sunday, 23rd June, 2024

Whinge I've had close to 40 messages since midnight last night - pretty good for an old man? All bar one were from fakes. The one real one was one of those blunderbuss introductions that the site repeats now and then from an account whose profile says she has left. That's a pretty typical day here. I only still check in because I accidentally let my 3 day trial roll over into a full member ship. ...and another arrived while I'm typing from someone who couldn't even be bothered to create a real name and obviously just mashed the keyboard - got to go, kvjkdjvkj might be my soul mate if I'll only swap my skipe details

Dropping Expectations in a Relationship .. From my viewpoint, each of us has the right to feel honoured in our relationship, and if we don't feel that, we have a right to create a relationship in which we do. We have a right to tell another person what makes us happy, and, for that matter, exactly how we're feeling about any particular thing. Living outside of the space of expectation does not mean living outside of the space of clear communication. I communicate to everyone around me what it is that will make me happy, and I leave no room for ambiguity about it. This actually helps those who love me, because I am constantly giving them clues and cues as to what would make me particularly happy. No one who loves you would be upset about receiving this information as long as they did not have to feel obligated to provide you with that in order for you to love them. No one can be treated unfairly, because the word "unfairly" suggests that there is a way that you are required to be trea

fathers day never expected my son to gift me a 65" smart tv for fathers day think he will set it up on Monday nice to be appreciated cheers

New topic today: Lawmakers willing to change the law to defendprotect those who broke it... they are not patriots.

Reflection Dating has been a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. Each date taught me something new about myself and what Im looking for in a partner. Whether its shared interests, deep conversations, or spontaneous adventures, the journey has been enriching. Im excited to see where this path leads and the connections Ill make along the way.