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Flirting Signals Decoded: The Body Language of Love

Ah, the wonderful world of flirting! 💃🕺

Flirting is fun, but it can be hard to spot sometimes - especially when you've got to know your date online and aren’t used to chatting to them in person. 😬 That's why we're here to help you decode the body language of love. 💪

What are the common signals to look out for? And what can we do with our body language to show our date that we’re interested in them? Let’s take a look. ✨👇

Eye contact 👀

When someone’s interested in you, they'll make eye contact and hold it just a little longer than usual.

If you catch your date staring at you from across the complimentary bread bowl, don't be afraid to hold their gaze for a few seconds and see if they hold yours too. If they do, that's a good sign they're into you! 👌

📜 Attraction Fact: Have you heard that your pupils dilate when you’re looking at somebody you love? It’s true! Bigger, blacker pupils are a sign that someone’s feeling the attraction. Either that, or you’re in a dark restaurant, so keep your environment in mind, too. 😉😆

The flirting triangle 👄

Okay, let’s take eye contact one step further. Ever heard of the flirting triangle? The three corners of this triangle are your two eyes and your mouth, and moving your gaze around your date’s triangle is a surefire way to show off your flirting prowess. 😘

Think your date’s looking at your mouth a lot? 👄 Either you’ve got toothpaste on your face, or they’re imagining what it’s like to kiss you! Oh my… 💋

The eyebrow flash 💥

When we glance at someone we're attracted to, our eyebrows automatically rise and fall very quickly. If they’re feeling the same way, they do the same in return. Never noticed? It’s verrrrry subtle and only lasts about 1/5th of a second but it’s something to pay attention to when you first meet up for that hot date! 👀

Smiling and laughing 😊

A simple smile goes a long way when it comes to flirting! If someone’s constantly smiling at you or finding reasons to make you laugh, it's a good indication that they're enjoying your company and want to both impress you and get to know you better. 😁

Are they laughing a little too hard at your jokes? Helllllllllllo - they’re flirting with you! 👏

Your body angle 👉

When you turn your body towards someone, however subtly, you're subconsciously showing that you're engaged in their conversation and really fascinated by what they have to say. It's a sign that you're open to their presence and want to get closer to them, both physically and emotionally. 🤗

Look out for the angles of your date’s feet or knees - are they pointing towards you when you’re sat side-by-side? You’re on for a winner. 🥳🥰

When someone leans in towards you during a conversation, it shows they're interested in what you have to say and want to get closer to you. Sounds obvious, right? 😜

💡 Flirting Tip: Lean forward and rest your chin in your hand when they’re telling a story to show that you’re listening intently. 🥰

Touching 👐

When someone’s into you, they may find excuses to touch you, like ‘accidentally’ brushing your arm or simply giving you a hug hello and (especially!) goodbye on a date. 🤗

Feeling bold? Touch them back in the same way and see how they react. 🔥 A soft pat on their shoulder when you’re laughing at their joke, a light playful nudge as you’re joking around, or taking their arm to help them walk down stairs… 😁 If they lean into your touch, it's a sign they're comfortable with you and might soon want more… 😏

Mirroring 👯‍♀️

Have you ever noticed that when you're really into someone, you start to mimic their body language, and vice versa? 🤔 In flirting, we call this mirroring, and it's our subconscious way of showing that we’re paying full attention and want to be noticed in return. 🙌

So if you see your date copying your little movements - like crossing their legs when you do, or playing with their hair when you do - you can bet they're feeling the chemistry too. Way to go! 🙏

Of course, everyone’s different, and some people may be more direct in their flirting style. But paying attention to these body language cues will give you a better sense of who’s really into you. 👌

Why not put your newfound knowledge to the test on your next date? 😉❤️ Who knows, you might just leave them ✨blushing✨.

What's your favorite flirting technique? Do you prefer to be coy or candid? Give us all your sauciest flirting tips and tricks in the comments - we can’t wait to read them! 😘👇


I want to try this!

If you can i am happy but how to communicate

Yes, please!

Let’s do it.