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Site News: Sniffing Out Love

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Have you heard of pheromone dating? It's about as strange as the name itself, but there is science behind the seeming craziness. It's all based on the hormones we excrete (pheromones) to attract a mate. Supposedly taking looks out of the equation helps simplify things, these pheromones are a massive part of attraction. So if you can decide you like the smell of someone without seeing them and being influenced by their appearance, perhaps you stand a better chance of finding a good match!

So if you were to attend a pheromone date, what should you expect? Well a big room full of men and women mixing and socialising, so far so good. Then head to a table full of numbered bags containing shirts worn by their owners which you are free to take and have a sniff. Like the smell of someone? Simply give their corresponding number at the end of the event and get their real number.

Have you or do you know anyone who's ever been to one of these shirt-sniffing shindigs? Perhaps you'd like to give it a go? Or maybe it just sounds too weird for your tastes?

Chaz x