10:09 am Friday, 23rd May, 2014
We're asking you how you would feel about seeing someone with a considerable age difference to you and how many years difference (if any) do you class as too much?
1:06 am Saturday, 24th May, 2014
older or younger ,,does it realy matter ??as i see it nowadays if 2 people are happy together does age realy matter ???i think not and i think im old enough to be able to say so i say good luck to all that find happyness whatever there .......age.s img src="imagescommonemoticons013.gif" |
10:45 am Tuesday, 27th May, 2014
RE:older or younger ,,does it realy matter ??That's great that you feel that way about it, it's all a matter of opinion after all. For some people, it could be an issue as they're in different stages of their lives and want different things, whilst for others it may literally be just a number and mean nothing.