A,idemo dalje tipkati...muškarac, u pravim godinama
Beauty, self-confidence and honesty Traveling and not lying
Simpel things god wein prety smiel byutiful eays long hair
to accomplished things on my own and have some time for me
music and fun...just find out..feel free to contact me..
Kvalitetno provedeno vrijeme zajedno uz mnogo uzibvanja
I love trying new things and going on adventures. Whether it's trying a new cuisine or going on a hike, I'm always up fo..
I am having average body size with normal height. Black.hair and black eyes.
My son happiness is my priority in life and I will make sure I provide everything for him
it makes me happy when I turn my thoughts and ideas into actions
I love playing sports and watching as well, I love exercise, hiking.
I have job, I workout sometime and doing sports and ofc playing games.