Recent Other males contacts from New Zealand
Below are all the latest contacts who are interested in Other. Just like you these males site members can't wait to meet someone who shares there interest in Other. This list gets updated regularly and you can visit and browse this page as many times as your heart desires. You can visit each of these New Zealand swingers profiles and check out their adult photos, erotic blog posts and sexy videos.
Being with people and sharing each others thoughts
Bush walks. The Sea. Watching sports. Cooking. Playing golf and darts. Eating out. Road trips.
Family times traveling sport little television. News odd movies etc
Night sky
Bar hopping
Knowing and learning about the wonders of this country
Super powers music weight training food action movies
Ask me an I'll tell you what you wanna know aboutt
Love one another
And follow Jesus Christ in every way
Good person and some one who is a out going person.
Travelling the world