Работа , бликие глубокие взаимоотношения с людьми, спорт
In addiction to sitting at the computer I like board games, meeting with friends, making music, but alas I've been worki..
Maybe playing together, order Japanese food and stay home, something cozy
Big fan of project moon games. I have friends irl yet feel lonely sometimes, would be nice to have someone by my side ju..
I love evening walks, chilling with friends on discord, listening to music and watching interesting movies/tv shows.
I love to play old games, like HL, C&C, RTCW ect.
Very cool guy)
Люблю веселиться, нравятся RPG, так что можем поиграть во что-то вдвоём, но я обеими руками за живое общение.
Работая, учусь, занимаюсь саморазвитием живу для себя
Всю жизнь я посвятил содержанию, изучению, разведению и коллекционированию различных террариумных животных, поэтому если..
Late night talks and game sessions, intriguing themes, fandoms and music
Hi, I'm Vova, and I believe that life is a game. I work a little, walk a little, and every day I discover something new ..
Загадка и секрет который можно попытаться раскрыть при личной встрече )
Good cheerful guy, my height is 180 cm, I play the guitar, I work as a teacher
Люблю душевное общение, честный и общительный человек
Stable senior developer from Moscow. Stupid jokes and memes <3
I work as programmer and I like programming very much
Programmer, hacker, studying at university, maybe you will become my soul mate
I'd like too play dota (6000 mmr)
Ex semi-pro csgo player (was top 50 ru top 300 eu) But now i'm a little bit tired of ..
Hi, I’m Max! I’ve been gaming since I remember myself, action, sims, rpgs - you name it, probs I played it all, but I’m ..
My name is David, I'm 25m from Tula, Russia. Speak Russian, English, French. Idk what exactly I'm looking for here, but ..
I like MMORPG and rogulike games. Looking for a chat.
Люблю языки, программирование, науку, хочу создать свою игру
21, vibeman, love great stories and complicated personalities. Will play your favorite song even if I have never heard i..
Человек я простой, хоть я и сижу много за компом, но есть и другие интересны: скульптура (полимерная глина в основном), ..
tasty food, hobbies (pc, climbing, archery, reading, modeling), walks, trips and travels especially by bike
I can tell you in detail about Russia or Moscow. Or I can listen to you with pleasure.
I will look forward to connecting with you because it is really beautiful to be with someone you can love
I love playing games , especially with randoms and if they coordinate in game then it's a cherry on top.
But one thing's..
Занимаюсь музыкой уже 4 года, недавно начал писать свои треки, если интересно то могу показать лично
Hi, first time here. looking for a girl to play old and new games together