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Home > Countries > Belgium

Local contacts from Belgium

Belgium is a huge place and if you had to find your ideal dating love match all by yourself, you might as well give up and go home. To make things easier on you we’ve put together a regional listing of all our online dating personal ads interested in chatting, dating and finding their long term romantic partner. We’ve got the whole of the Belgium covered for your dating needs.

You don’t have to reach into your wallet to meet our Belgium dating contacts! Once you are a member you can use our site features like forums, messaging and blogs to find out more about our lovely online personal singles seeking love. If you live in one city but frequently travel to another country for work and to your favourite holiday destination for pleasure, then you can arrange casual or intimate dates with the local contacts listed in our member database. So stop wasting time, money and effort searching for that elusive date and give our free internet dating service a go, you might just meet the love of your life.

Feast your eyes on our online gallery featuring real photos and videos of internet dating members.

Recent contacts

CaptivatingStory617b (46) Straight Male
J aime bcp le dessin et le monde du tattoo le cinéma aussi
Belgium, Namur, Dinant
Sadtfx (20) Straight Male
J'aime bien jouer aux jeux video de temps en temps sinon je travaille beaucoup
Belgium, Stockel
Thedickmaster (18) Straight Male
I can speak russian and english so we can speak comfortable for you language.
Belgium, Antwerpen, Antwerpen
sherryd1 (42) Gay Male
I'm here searching for a love that goes the distance. I grew up in a traditional Slovakian family, where strong values like faith, respect, and devotion were always a priority. I'm..
Belgium, West-Vlaanderen, Canada
MUNTHER (28) Straight Male
I'm 28 years old, living in the Bertrix region. I'm interested in meeting a woman aged between 18 and 61.
Belgium, Luxembourg, Bertrix
CuriousSurfer74f73c (57) Straight Male
To have the opportunity to meet someone with whom i can share a truthful and respectful relationship
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels
lovethatlasts (56) Straight Male
I am an easy going, monogamous, loyal and romantic fella. I just want to wake up next to the same person for the rest of my life.
Belgium, Antwerpen, Antwerpen
Dirkje (19) Straight Male
Ik ben zelf een chef kok dus hitt me up with the recipes.
Belgium, Oost-Vlaanderen, Geraardsbergen
Dami (21) Straight Male
I love being myself I love attention I love being loved
Belgium, Oost-Vlaanderen, Wichelen
ElioTran (19) Gay Male
If you like Taylor Swift, we can vibe easily lol. I am really into movies, as well
Belgium, Vlaams-Brabant, Leuven
EmpatheticCharmer27 (19) Straight Male
I love anime, contact sports, cooking, pigeons, maybe you
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels
Fode (39) Straight Male
My name Fode in live and work in Brussels, I'm humble cool and cairing
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels
EagerFashionista (24) Straight Male
I'm interested in meeting a woman aged between 18 and 35.
Belgium, Antwerpen, Merksem
DelightfulSkater862eca (19) Straight Male
I like to play games I like to go out whit someone I love
Belgium, Schaerbeek
Shasha (34) Straight Male
Sexy Beautiful, beautiful, well-shaped...
Belgium, Antwerpen, Mechelen
TravelBeautifulSeeker (48) Straight Male
Sharing the happy moments with friends, colleagues and relatives.
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels
Andi (36) Straight Male
Everything makes sense when people are honest and self
Belgium, Molenbeek-saint-jean
Cidaz73 (52) Straight Male
Je veux rencontrer une femme, Intéressante, Provocante, Passionnante, Intelligente et Intelligente, qui sait stimuler mon intelligence, Forte, avec un caractère particulièrement be..
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Bruxelles
Samar (65) Straight Male
I am a normal man, no disability but seeking to please woman
Belgium, Oost-Vlaanderen, Gent
StylishFashionistafihdhd (58) Straight Male
Ik ben oprecht, loyaal, dromer, met een positieve geest, ik hou van dieren en ik hou van ongecompliceerde mensen. Ik hou van ware liefde, een oprechte en loyale liefde. De harmonie..
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels
ManuhelA583 (31) Straight Male
I'd like going out and having someone to trust. I enjoy funny conversations and laughing about everything. Discovering new places and traveling is a passion of mine.
Belgium, Oost-Vlaanderen, Ghent
Gogogo (44) Straight Male
water, sailing, being on the move and set sails for an adventure
Belgium, Limburg, Hasselt
StrongStoryteller7cb53 (53) Straight Male
Un homme heureux est, quand il a la bonne personne
Belgium, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Anderlecht
Jaoutim (27) Gay Male
أنت شخص طموح ومتفائل، تسعى دائمًا لتحقيق النجاح في حياتك. تؤمن بأن السعادة والفرح هما مفتاحا الحياة المتوازنة، وتحرص على نشر الإيجابية من حولك. كما أن لديك جانبًا رومانسيًا يضيف لم..
Belgium, Antwerpen, Walcourt
MysteriousIntell (24) Straight Male
I'm 23 years old, living in Belgium. I'm looking to make new friends.
Belgium, Liege, Fraipont

Belgium Regions

Antwerpen Brabant Wallon Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Hainaut Liege Limburg Luxembourg Namur Oost-Vlaanderen Vlaams-Brabant West-Vlaanderen

Main Cities

Saint-josse-ten-noode Anvers Leuven Gent Brussels Antwerpen Louvain Canada Sint-joost-ten-node Borgloon Schoonaarde Brussel Hasselt Doodbroek Liège Sint-amandsberg Eisden Mol Guvelingen Lavacherie Namur Staden Lichtervelde Antwerp Louvain-la-neuve Gand Lierre Berg Genk Luik Aalst Turnhout Tervuren Ostend Mons Halle Dendermonde Bredene Louvain-la-neuve Zaventem Oostende Brugge Kontich Bornem Roeselare