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Local contacts from Canada

Canada is a huge place and if you had to find your ideal dating love match all by yourself, you might as well give up and go home. To make things easier on you we’ve put together a regional listing of all our online dating personal ads interested in chatting, dating and finding their long term romantic partner. We’ve got the whole of the Canada covered for your dating needs.

You don’t have to reach into your wallet to meet our Canada dating contacts! Once you are a member you can use our site features like forums, messaging and blogs to find out more about our lovely online personal singles seeking love. If you live in one city but frequently travel to another country for work and to your favourite holiday destination for pleasure, then you can arrange casual or intimate dates with the local contacts listed in our member database. So stop wasting time, money and effort searching for that elusive date and give our free internet dating service a go, you might just meet the love of your life.

Feast your eyes on our online gallery featuring real photos and videos of internet dating members.

Recent contacts

SophisticatedSen85ea (60) Straight Male
Hiking in the mountains , enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery
Canada, British Columbia, Revelstoke
Marrybruce121 (40) Straight Female
The ideal man for me is the one who manages to conquer my heart making me the most confident woman of all, who shows me his real intentions with simple details. Who is respectful, ..
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
EpicEarth0256 (20) Straight Male
Spending time with friends and playing video games and doing art and crafts
Canada, Ontario, Brantford
vladimir (69) Straight Male
Bbw with an open- minded , honest, loyalty,trusty and loves kissing holding hands hugging
Canada, Ontario, Lindsay
sandymills (39) Straight Female
I want to meet the love of my life, hope that I can meet a man here and build a strong and friendly family with him in the future. Sometimes I dream about my future life. I wish to..
Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Vicki (43) Straight Female
I am mature self-confident woman who knows exactly the man she needs. I like active rest, sport and my job! I might tell you that I am perfect but I think it will be not real. I li..
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Hashope (63) Straight Male
Not really good at selling myself. I have a good sense of humour and enjoy the outdoors. Honesty and kindness appeal to me
Canada, Ontario, Oshawa
Tessalate84 (61) Straight Male
Music going to concerts ,romantic evenings together
Canada, Ontario, Peterborough
aamirn514 (52) Straight Male
I love to meet good friends who love to laugh alot, eat, travel etc.
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Flickguy67 (56) Straight Male
I'm 56 years old, living in the Winnipeg region. I'm interested in meeting a woman aged between 47 and 61.
Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg
Megs (69) Straight Female
Love the wind outdoors while riding my equine partner along side my human friends.
Canada, Ontario, Milton
Barnabe (21) Straight Male
I game off work or when im not studying. Whenever im bored. Mostly play overwatch but open to play anything
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
BeautifulCompanionjhaced (60) Straight Female
Later I will let u know xxc xx hope to hear from you
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
DelightfulOptimist1274cf (87) Straight Female
Love life and learningoptimistic galinteresting and energetic
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
Annette (43) Straight Female
I am a woman very focused on absolutely everything, if I propose something I finish it, very disciplined and I love having goals and always being in favor of fulfilling them.
Canada, Ontario, Markham
NanaSan63 (60) Straight Female
My family and my daughters.I love seeing things for the first time which I've never seen before.
Canada, Ontario, Sudbury
Bold and Bookish
Bold and Bookish (66) Straight Female
I love my creative and "greener choice " business, it makes me happy to help people look good and have fun. I enjoy reading, puzzles and games, theatre, movies, museums, flea and f..
Canada, Alberta, Calgary
SandraE877 (40) Straight Female
I'm 40 years old, living in the Toronto region. I'm interested in meeting a man aged between 50 and 90.
Canada, Ontario, Toronto
FlirtyProfessional8504bc (87) Straight Female
Love learning and teaching and connecting with life
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
Ironspider45 (30) Straight Male
Hello I’m mat and I live in a cool place with great roommates that we all respect one another. I have a great head on my shoulders and got a decent job to get by. I don’t have my d..
Canada, Alberta, Okotoks
AlluringArtist239e9a (87) Straight Female
Learning and teaching and being with friends and just embrace life
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
Lovelife (87) Straight Female
Learning and embracing life to the fullest and not having any worries
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
Purplebird (34) Straight Female
I'm a simple shy person with much energy and focus in life. I believe in the give and takes. I like it cool and calm within my circle. Ask more to know more.
Canada, Ontario, Watford
maelyss (19) Straight Female
Being around friends makes me happy, spending quality time with people too.
Canada, Manitoba, Brandon
BraveTeacher70feb7 (45) Straight Male
Oh50??? Family first please ……. 49??? Ok. Ask, I’ll tell you, honest
Canada, Ontario, Toronto

Canada Regions

Alberta Alberta British Columbia British Columbia Manitoba Manitoba New Brunswick New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Nunavut Nunavut Ontario Ontario Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island Quebec Quebec Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Yukon Territory Yukon Territory

Main Cities

Toronto Ottawa Montreal Edmonton Calgary Vancouver Victoria Winnipeg Harrow London Brampton Saskatoon Halifax Hamilton Kitchener Regina Fredericton Surrey Oshawa Mississauga Barrie Windsor Varennes Quebec Scarborough Erieau Kingston Fort Erie Moncton Kelowna Sudbury Red Deer Brantford Niagara Falls Peterborough Carbonear Lethbridge Dartmouth Saint John Montréal-est Guelph Charlottetown Chilliwack Burlington Kamloops