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Local contacts from Canada

Canada is a huge place and if you had to find your ideal dating love match all by yourself, you might as well give up and go home. To make things easier on you we’ve put together a regional listing of all our online dating personal ads interested in chatting, dating and finding their long term romantic partner. We’ve got the whole of the Canada covered for your dating needs.

You don’t have to reach into your wallet to meet our Canada dating contacts! Once you are a member you can use our site features like forums, messaging and blogs to find out more about our lovely online personal singles seeking love. If you live in one city but frequently travel to another country for work and to your favourite holiday destination for pleasure, then you can arrange casual or intimate dates with the local contacts listed in our member database. So stop wasting time, money and effort searching for that elusive date and give our free internet dating service a go, you might just meet the love of your life.

Feast your eyes on our online gallery featuring real photos and videos of internet dating members.

Recent contacts

joshua (52) Straight Male
I'm loving and caring and peaceful and understanding i love being around people who always makes my heart smiles I'm looking for someone who is loving and ready to love and be lo..
Canada, Northwest Territories, Hay River
IzziO (52) Straight Female
The best days are spent with my head in the clouds and a pen in hand. Looking to escape the crazy city in the next year or so to live a dull life in the countryside. Neurodivergent..
Canada, Ontario, Swansea
I'dlikeahug (46) Straight Female
This is hard to talk about in a little box? I love swimming and being outside. Electronic music, 70s and 80s love songs. I used to travel before having my daughter- I like languag..
Canada, Ontario, Cambridge
DullD561 (37) Straight Female
I never know what to say here. I like to kayak, and hike with my puppy. I'm a full time graphic design student. I have a vibrancy and zest for life. I also love road trips, camping..
Canada, Ontario, Aylmer
Garden Girl
Garden Girl (60) Straight Female
I like my job. Love connecting with people. Friends and Family are important too. I am a young Grandma !
Canada, British Columbia, Coquitlam
PrairieSkiesGal (50) Straight Female
Dull but busy with work, family, dogs and my yard. Prefer to be outside, especially if the skies are active and talking. I love storms. I find them peaceful. I love travelling, esp..
Canada, Saskatchewan, Regina
Missy (41) Straight Female
I work full-time, I love to take long walks in my free time. I also love a good movie or show. I don't smoke but I love an occasional glass of red..
Canada, Ontario, London
Wonderer (67) Straight Female
I fill my days with my dogs and my horses. I love to ride and camp in the mountains Love to spend time with my family I enjoy crafty things and I'm a Blue Jays fan.
Canada, Alberta, Red Deer
SassyBelle (40) Straight Female
I have a big community of humans that I enjoy playing music for and crafting with. I travel when I can, as I like to go be dull in other cities.
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
Lisa (43) Straight Female
I love to laugh, but also solve the world’s problems over a glass of wine. Balance! I prefer outside rather than inside, which makes it tough going in cold Canada sometimes. Hop..
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
Catgirl11 (56) Straight Female
I love most music, especially 80's, pop, rock, opera, Beethoven, jazz, and the aforementioned Manilow
Canada, Ontario, Hamilton
VanKat (63) Straight Female
What makes me happy: long conversations with my two adult children, family, dear friends. Long walks in the forest or on the beach. Hiking in the North Shore mountains. Camping. Co..
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
InsightfulStrate8afe (52) Straight Female
Busy apparently, but willing to say more soon! Looking for something beautiful and dull :)
Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
ShyGuyD1133 (21) Straight Male
I play to have fun more than to win, what’s the point in winning if it’s boring
Canada, Alberta, Grande Prairie
samsacmac8900 (35) Straight Female
I am easy going matured woman who have a lot of love to share with the right man for me.
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Maxh3ll (30) Straight Male
I'm 30 years old, living in the Laval region. I'm interested in meeting a woman aged between 23 and 33.
Canada, Quebec, Laval
Heisen (28) Straight Male
Graduated in game art. Don’t live without music, tv shows over movies, I really don’t know what to say here.
Canada, Ontario, York Mills
Webby (40) Straight Female
will love to meet a loving and Humble man someone who has a heart to love and as well God fearing and ready to swim with me to the end of the sea ...a Man who know's of how to make..
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
AmazingLove (46) Straight Female
I'm excited meeting stranger also I'm selective in making friends. Loves outdoor. Beach and travels.
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
Paintslinger (51) Straight Female
I live an active lifestyle, swim in the lake all year round, love the outdoors, have an amazing teenager, love to travel, eat spicy things, and am shocked that I recently realized ..
Canada, Ontario, Leaside
DreamCatcher (52) Straight Female
I love dogs, they make the world a better place, especially GR's, Labs, Spaniels & Huskies.
Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg
mimi90 (43) Bisexual Female
I know that a lot of single ladies are looking for their love on this dating site, but not always it is sucessful, because virtual communication is very hard for some people. But I..
Canada, Ontario, London
Alain09 (43) Straight Male
Passionate about movies, outdoors and sarcasm. I love to discover new places, restaurants, hiking trails. Love spending time with friends, playing board games, sharing laughs. I’m ..
Canada, Quebec, Aylmer
Ela (33) Bisexual Female
I'm a bit of a cotton candy sugar and spice type. Though I also enjoy creating things from writing to crochet and photography.
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Spicydullard (40) Straight Female
I'm happiest watching sports or being outside doing something active from walks to hiking, kayak etc. Golf is the newest hobby. Would love to connect with those who enjoy similar
Canada, Ontario, Brockville

Canada Regions

Alberta Alberta British Columbia British Columbia Manitoba Manitoba New Brunswick New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Nunavut Nunavut Ontario Ontario Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island Quebec Quebec Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Yukon Territory Yukon Territory

Main Cities

Toronto Ottawa Montreal Edmonton Calgary Vancouver Victoria Winnipeg Harrow London Brampton Saskatoon Halifax Hamilton Kitchener Regina Fredericton Surrey Oshawa Mississauga Barrie Windsor Varennes Quebec Scarborough Erieau Kingston Fort Erie Moncton Kelowna Sudbury Red Deer Brantford Niagara Falls Peterborough Carbonear Lethbridge Dartmouth Saint John Montréal-est Guelph Charlottetown Chilliwack Burlington Kamloops