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hi, therei am yours |
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Hi my friendI wanna have many friend.You can connect me mail or phone. |
harmony257Sir, I am in fact a retired person with no in-come. So I better be staying at the level of standard member. I have already applied for the work at home with computer job. I can do that job at the rate of euro-100- per month. I have an experience of.. |
Have a funHope for the best prepare for the worst |
Have a funHope the best prepare for the worst. |
hell every bodyI am a person with dignity i like yo be around honest people i like to me some honest to share my love |
sex guyim seeking for girls for more ..... |
looking for friendshipthe heigh is long(same with me)and beautiful girl |
My profiletell us about she intersts i like game. |
Hi guysI`m want a lot of friends and someone who can understand me. |
want a friendi like playing and talking to my close friends |
want relationship more than friendi like swiming, golf. I am a open person. lokking for a decent person |
video datingI am a medical professional and I have no time to go somewhere which make me pleasure. |
Abourt my lifeI am a poor. |
Can I love U?I`m surching a lover who can love me. |
I WANT a friendI am an electrical engineer , also software developer. |
i want youfind for friend |
chattingI want to happy by talking one another |