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i like valorant, i like lethal company and pc barbie games flirtywaterbottler (24) Non-Binary Bicurious i live cats and being at home for my bad england sry France, Ile-de-France, Paris |
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I live between Paris and New York, I have discovered about my autism 3 years ago and my life is taking a new meaning, I am a student, a researcher, a reader, and I do love people, I just need to plan and keep a special eye on detail. Bgme (47) Non-Binary Straight Silence and sunset and sunrise makes me happy. Writing my journal makes me happy. Surprises and projects makes me excited! France, Ile-de-France, Paris |
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Just your friendly local goofy genderfluid gamer! I'm an incredibly nerdy ADHD game design student with a love for wordbuilding and a tendency to get way too invested in whatever my latest played game is Cyraen (25) Non-Binary Bisexual I'm currently a game design student, hoping to make my own games one day, with a love for narration and worldbuilding. I love getting to spend time with people nerding out over com.. France, Ile-de-France, Paris |