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Local Jalapa contacts for love and friendship

Browse our free online dating ads according to region. Here we list all the local free dating personals in Jalapa, Guatemala, the best single males, females in the local area seeking dates. To make it really easy for you we have a directory with the latest online dating contacts and you can see their profile picture, their short description, age and interests. We are a completely free internet dating site, you don’t have to pay to view our online contact ads.

Take a look at our online gallery featuring genuine photos and videos of real singles seeking dates.

Top cities in Jalapa, Guatemala

Mataquescuintla Jalapa San Pedro Pinula Monjas Morales

Recent Jalapa contacts

Agnes (25) Straight Female
I love to go to the gym but I'm also lazy and love to sleep and have fun
Guatemala, Huehuetenango, El Salvador
Antonio_gt502 (56) Straight Male
Me encanta una buena charla. Hablar de cualquier cosa y ver el lado positivo de la vida
Guatemala, Guatemala, Don Justo
alisxoxo (49) Straight Female
me dedico a la pintura y las bellas artes. me encanta salir a pasear y a las montañas. Disfruto de la buena música y la lectura entretenida. Me gusta el cine independiente.
Guatemala, Guatemala, Ciudad De Guatemala
EngagingWanderer89 (24) Straight Male
Disfrutar de animes Pero si ser otaku me gusta mucho ver todo el anime q se pueda
Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala City
Teko (64) Bisexual Female
Pertenes a un grupo me ase feliz encontrar amigas y si se puede una pareja
Guatemala, Guatemala, Ciudad De Guatemala
Charly_P (33) Gay Male
Cinephile, wine lover, into books. Are we right for each other? Let's find out!
Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala City
MultijugadGuate (36) Straight Male
Hi my name is rodrigo . I like play video games. I live in guatemala city is a great country here to live, I have many comforts here. I have adn german 19% and 6% english and 23% ..
Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala City
LizaE (48) Straight Female
I love the nature, I am a romantic woman, enjoy a great conversation, cook, watch a movie and spend time with that special personal
Guatemala, Guatemala, Ciudad De Guatemala
abbasicarp905 (69) Gay Female
sporty, funny, cutural and art, reading, light, enjoy funny movie
Guatemala, Guatemala, Ciudad De Guatemala
german34salvatierra (43) Straight Male
Well I I’m single guy looking for a single woman who like to with me in walk in the park
Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala City
larrybro170 (65) Straight Male
I'm a kind hearted man looking for a nice woman. I am fun loving, easy going, active, honest and I have a great sense of humor.I'm happy in my current life but would prefer to shar..
Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala City
guille1500 (57) Straight Male
ladies are my inspiration i wanna know ladies here in the site
Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala City
Virgi20 (32) Straight Female
Things I like the most: travel, music, and making awesome memories.
Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala City
Marcelo_Alvarenga_Esquivel (41) Straight Male

Guatemala, Guatemala, Ciudad De Guatemala
Rafael1701 (57) Straight Male
I live in Guatemala City. I ove Star Trek in all its forms, but I think I'm more attracted to STO and Enterprise.
Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala City