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pWhen you invest time, effort, and money into the wrong relationship you run the risk of missing out on the person you’re meant to be with. For the majority of people out there the regrets are not about the people they met but didn’t connect with, rather it's about the time they spent investing themselves in toxic partners.p

pCapturing your personality on a date is very important, especially in the early stages of a relationship. We have found that typical date ideas, like movies or dinner, make it harder to reflect who you are. Dinner can be too much pressure having to talk the whole way through, and in the movies, you do not speak at all. We have pulled together some date ideas for gamers and geeks to represent better who you are.p

pHave you ever been on an bawkward dateb? Or a date that was so bad it was funny?p pp pNo matter how bad your dates may seem, you are not alone. Have a read through some of our disastrous dates. You will 100% feel better about your bad dates.p

Advice for members looking to maximise their profile's potential to interest others whilst taking advantage of the features of the site.

pIt’s that time of year again folks, where leaving the house without sunscreen can result in absolute disaster and the only way to function in the endless waves of sticky heat is consuming your own body-weight in icy drinks and treats, as the unrelenting conditions becomes almost unbearable for most those of us habituated in colder, more forgiving climates.p

In the wonderful world of online dating where first impressions are everything, knowing how to perfect your profile can sometimes feel challenging! But fear not - we’ve got you covered.

The Stop Fraud campaign and the Online Dating Association (ODA) are advising people on how to stay safe online, especially around Valentine’s day! This includes issuing tips on how to spot fake dating profiles and keep your money safe online.

pMore than ever before, we’ve got to make a thoughtful effort to love ourselves and the skin we’re in. We’re here to celebrate everyone for their real and unique individuality, and we want you to get on board! 🎫p pHere’s our easy guide to owning your confidence, so that you can wake up each morning with a spring in your step, proud to be unapologetically you. 👇p

pTired of going to the movies all the time?🍿🥱p pWith longer days, warmer weather, cocktails, and mood-boosting vitamin D on tap, move over Valentine's Day! We all know that Summer is the emrealem season of love.🌞p pGet inspired for your summer dates with our 24 quirky activities to consider slotting into your diary! 👇p

In the midst of all the swiping, texting, days spent chatting, and that final bound up ball of apprehension once the day finally arrives, there can be little time to consider what may come next once you’ve said your goodbyes at the end of your first date.

Ask yourself, are you stuck in toxic relationship patterns? Are you struggling to understand why you keep making the same mistakes with different partners? Identifying your attachment style is a healthy way to change your behaviour and work towards a positive-relationship future.

We asked some of you lovely people to share your stories about the thing that’s happened in your dating life that’s given you the ultimate ‘ick’ - and as always, you didn't disappoint! Some were hilarious, some just plain gross, and most of them made us emcowerem just by sharing your shame.

A great chat-up line could begin the first chapter of your next love story. This is your chance to be humorous, complimentary, flirty, direct… Break the ice, show confidence, and make your gorgeous match blush and giggle.

Flirting is fun, but it can be hard to spot sometimes - especially when you've got to know your date online and aren’t used to chatting to them in person. That's why we're here to help you decode the body language of love.

Picture this: You've been swiping away on our site when poof - you match with someone who seems to be your soulmate! Before you know it, you’re preparing for your first date. You want to make sure they remember you as more than just a cute profile picture, right? Enter the spectacular world of scent!

Hey, daters! Today we're sharing 20 of our favorite inspiring quotes that'll totally warm your heart and inspire your dating journey. They’re perfect to include in your dating profile bios or to help you start new conversations online. Sit back and enjoy!

Ready to stand out in the online dating crowd? Time to take your profile to new heights with our quirky, fun, and flirty profile bio tips! Let's dive in and create a dating profile that'll have your notifications overflowing with likes!

Ready to dive into the world of green flags, lovebirds? Buckle up, because we're about to dish the secrets to spotting those early signs of a blooming, healthy relationship!

So, you've put yourself out there online, and it’s not gone the way you planned. It's not a fun feeling, but it's also not the end of the world! This is just one step on the online dating ladder, so here are some tips to help you handle it like a boss.

Ta-da! Your dating fairy godmother is here to whisk away those awkward moments of silence. Let's get your chatter game on point.

Ready to level up your dating game? Let's go on an emoji-tional journey through the world of online dating!

Buckle up, lovebirds! We're diving into the thrilling world of online dating conversations!

Hey there, gorgeous people! Welcome to the magical world of the bi- and pan- love spectrum! Today, we'll explore the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality, so you can better understand your future online dates and dazzle them with your savvy knowledge. Buckle up, and let's dive in!

From selecting the perfect outfit and location to mastering the art of conversation, we've got you covered. So without further ado, let's get started on making your first date a memorable one!

As your relationship progresses beyond the first month, you'll continue to grow and learn more about each other. Building on the foundation you've created during the initial phase, the first few months of dating present new opportunities to strengthen your bond, deepen your understanding, and establish trust.

Summer loving, had me a blast! We know Sandy and Danny were onto something when they sang about those sweet summer romances. So, why is summer the perfect time to swipe right and make some magical memories? Let's dive in!

So, you've found the perfect catch in the online dating sea, and now it's time to reel them in for the first in-person meet-up. No pressure, right? Fear not, intrepid online dater! We've got your back with tips on mental and physical prep to make your first meet-up smooth sailing.

Swipe left on your worries because you've just entered the no-drama zone! 😎 Let's talk about how to react when that digital cutie you've been chatting with suddenly says they "need space." No need to fret; we're here to help you navigate the online dating galaxy with grace and charm.

Ready to dive into the world of flirting with confidence? You've swiped right into the perfect place! Here's your ultimate guide on how to flirt like a pro, both online and offline, using words and signals that will make hearts race and connections spark.

Once upon a time, in the digital land of dating, there was a marvelous idea: a date with the most fabulous person on the planet – YOU! Let's explore how to embark on this enchanting journey of self-discovery, self-love, and mindfulness while keeping the fun alive.

Picture this: a luscious, curvy queen sweeps into your life, making everything brighter and more fun. We're here to share the love!

Ready to unleash your inner romantic without breaking the bank? We've fetched a purr-fect list of cheap and fun date ideas for pet lovers like you!

Hey there, gorgeous bi-curious explorers! Welcome to the most fabulous journey of self-discovery and connection. Strap in, and let's dive right into the thrilling world of online dating for bisexual and bicurious people.

hosting is when someone you're chatting with, dating, or even in a relationship with suddenly cuts off all communication without any explanation. It's like they've become a ghost. While ghosting can happen in any type of relationship, it's become especially prevalent in the world of online dating. It's easy for people to disappear behind their screens, leaving you to wonder what went wrong.

Hey, gorgeous! Found someone special? Ready to take the plunge into the world of romance? We've got your back with some tips and tricks on how to ask that intriguing person out. Unleash your inner charmer and make your move!

It's understandable to be cautious and protect yourself from getting hurt, but at the same time, being too closed off can prevent you from truly connecting with someone amazing! So, here are some tips to help you let your guard down and have fun with online dating!

So, you've found yourself in the wonderful world of online dating. Maybe you're a seasoned pro, or maybe you're just dipping your toe in the water. In this article, we're going to talk about how to create long-lasting relationships that originated online. Are you ready? Let's go!

Effective communication helps you build a strong foundation and ensure that your relationship stays healthy and happy. In this article, we'll explain why communication will make your dating life the best it can be.

Are you going on a date and struggling to decide what to wear? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Together, we'll explore how to dress for every romantic eventuality. You deserve to feel beautiful and confident!

Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to the dating scene, we've got some tips to help you use your words to show your date you're interested in them. Let’s make that first date one to remember!

Polyamory - dating more than one person at once - breaks free from established relationship norms. In this ever-evolving digital age, love has found new ways to ignite and express its fiery passion… Find out if multi-lovin’ is for you with our deep-dive into the joys of polyamory that‘ll leave you smiling from ear to ear!

Looking for the signs that you’ve found “the “one”? How do you know when to trust your feelings? What hints will your gorgeous match give off so you know they’re feeling it too? All will be revealed…

Lovebirds, isn’t it time to leave the cozy comfort of your nest and soar together in the great outdoors? From basking under the warm, mellow sun to exploring the thrillingly wild mysteries of nature, dating outside the four walls of a cafe or movie theater is an exhilarating adventure. Not to mention, it sprinkles some organic, vitamin D enriched magic into your budding romance.

Ever realized you’re a total Casanova in your DMs, but a bashful blunderer when meeting face-to-face? No worries, we’ve all been there! Digital dating has revolutionized our love lives, offering a buffet of prospective partners just a swipe or click away. But how do you flip the script and translate that same digital dazzle into a face-to-face frolic? Watch and learn!

You've been liking, matching, chatting. And somewhere between those late-night flirts and cutesy emojis, you've stumbled upon someone who makes your heart do the tango. Casual dating is always a rollercoaster, but now you’re ready to switch tracks: from the playful whirlwind of dating online to a sincere, meaningful relationship.

Hello there, you bright-eyed, hopeful romantics of the cyber world! Welcome to the labyrinth of love, where the heart doesn't always have to be a lonely hunter. After all, why not share all that love with more than just one special someone?

Ever wondered what their dating profile really means? The excitement is as real as the intrigue! Let's see what those subtle hints might mean and help you uncover the secret world behind those catchy bios and profile pictures.

Ever felt that rush of energy when you click with a new online match? But then wondered, "Is this love or just a wild ride through Lustville?" On the dating rollercoaster, we navigate through the dizzying heights of likes, winks, messages, and hearts until we land on that special someone. Or maybe, someone(s) – who are we to judge?

Hey there, love seekers! Let's chat about how to keep online dating fun, safe, and real. Ready? Let’s go!

Are you ready for the ride of your life; Golden years don't mean slowing down - it's time for adventures and new experiences! Your perfect companion is just a 'like' away, ready to share the thrill of new destinations and create some unforgettable memories together. It's the dawn of a travel-filled chapter of your life. Fasten your seatbelts – we’re about to take off!